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Hello Aaron, I'm trying to play your game rn but the game's having a lot of issues for me: after answering the questions I got stuck reading a note, the game didn't let me get out of it no matter what button I pressed, the cursor also vanished, I played again but I got stuck beside the computer just after the questions ended, and on the 3rd try the game stayed stuck on the computer screen after the questions ended, maybe I got just unlucky with the game but I'd love to play it properly, I also assume that I'm supposed to just mess around in the house and then the result will display on the computer cause it didn't work for me at first, I've played a lot of your games and I'm enjoying this one too but unfortunately I'm having some problems with it.


Hi Stella! Sounds like you are having some bad luck. To answer the easiest question first, the results of your answers are actually opened before entering the house. There is a line of code that forces your web broweser open. Did you check that? What is probably happening is the tab is interferring with the game when it opens. I would suggest trying to tab to your browser first, closing it & then going back to the game & seeijg if that works? 

Failing that, if you send me a message on Twitter with specific locations of your issue I can look into it further. It's strange because the game is coded in such a way that it would be almost impossible for it to break. But I guess there is always a possibility that something gets overlooked. Have a try & what I said first & let me know. Thanks for bearing with it. But there is stuff to find in the house that ties into the other game I released recently "After Hours".

Okay I'll try it out, thanks!


no problem. Seriously just hit me up anytime