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Stella Abbasi

A member registered Jun 25, 2020

Recent community posts

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Great work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Great job :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Great job :)

Hello, I played this game, and I liked it. Not bad for a first game :)

Hello, I played this game, and I enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Not a bad little demo, good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I liked it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! It was very fun, and I enjoy these types of games a lot.

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I liked it, Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Great job :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I liked it! Good work :)

Not too bad, could work on those jumpscares a little bit, but aside that it was neat. Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Glad I got back to this, because this time I managed to beat it first try! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I liked it. Although there were certain thing which can be worked on imo, for example: the movement feels very janky, and a checkpoint or two would be neat as well, and lastly the grocery part felt very unreasonable.

Really liked this one, short and sweet.

Not bad for such a short game.

Hello, I played this game, and I liked it. Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Great job :)

Hello, I played this game, and I liked it. Although, there are some bugs here and there, main one which kinda ruined the experience for me is that the monster got stuck multiple times when I tried to go to the bedroom after repairing the car.

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I liked it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I liked it!  Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I liked it, good work :)

Hello, I played this game, and I really enjoyed it! Good work :)