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Loving this game. I depend on autocorrect way too much, and this is helping me with my accuracy.

Small bug: Not sure if this is connected with an ultra-wide screen resolution, but some lines don't appear right (see attached).

Keep up the good work. A programmer's job is never done.


Hi there! Thanks for playing, and for catching this bug. Was it just this one line that was displaying wrong or did it happen on multiple emails? We will try and look into this as soon as we can and patch it for the next update. Thanks!

(1 edit) (+1)


I attest that this very same bug occurred at my office too, while I was using the web version. It seems that I was typing another text though I don’t have the lines.

Please also look for double spaces in your content, as it already happened to me once. You can probably find it with the “Search and replace” feature of your favorite text editor.

