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well, last time I played I tried both and they didnt seem to do anything, I even tried closing and opening

but idk why I opened it just now to try it again to tell u if I noticed anything and it is full screen, well, it's kinda the same size but black borders cover the parts of the screen that it didnt fit to, I pressed F11 and that returned it to small and back to the black outline once I pressed it again

so after that I tried pressing alt+enter and it actually made it full screen, this is so weird, it didnt work any of the times before, maybe it was something of my computer? sometimes a ctrl or alt or shift key remains pressed on my pc, so maybe that's what happened

Well, I'm glad it is working now at any rate. :D (A bit less glad itch didn't tell me I had another reply, leaving me to find it weeks later. :( My apologies for that.)

thank u!

and it's oki haha