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Great question. 10+ cells is really too far from the center, if counting directly from the center. The idea was counting steps from the location you take the quest, so moving 1 hex was 1 cell, 2 hexes would be 2, and so on. Once you reached 10, you could place the new location, or deliver the quest. Sorry that it wasn't very clear!

I will provide an additional maps in the downloads for more options and a larger overall play area.


Thank-you! That explanation clears it up - and thank-you for uploading additional hexmaps, they should be especially useful for increased player counts! I'll try it out again with a bigger one. :D

Something I noticed while playing last night is that if you get your DMG RES high enough, you can essentially become invincible once you get the number of combatants low enough (they simply can't do enough damage to hurt you). I'm going to try a simple hack on DMG RES, where instead of automatically blocking the hits, you roll a D6 for each blockable damage, on a 2+, the hit is blocked (on a 1 you still take damage).

Example: Raiders roll 6 D6, 5 are odd. My DMG RES is 3. I automatically take 2 hits, then roll 3 D6 for the remainder as I have 3 DMG RES. I roll a 1, 4, and 3. I take 1 additional DMG and block the other 2.

My thought for when you take less hits than your total DMG RES, you would only roll as many "DMG RES checks" as hits they have against you.

Example: Raiders roll 3 D6, 2 are odd. My DMG RES is 3. I roll 2 D6 (to attempt to block the 2 hits), I roll a 1 and a 5. I take 1 DMG.

This of course will balance the game more against the player, but I felt it might be a fun hack to keep the challenge up, and keep you cursing the dice, even after you've whittled the enemies down to a point they normally can no longer damage you. 😁


Great idea! The core design was to create a power fantasy, after a while, for the player essentially making some encounters a complete mess for the NPCs. It felt a nice balance with the beginning of the game where you feel endangered by many encounters. 

Your house rule makes sense and seems great if you don't mind rolling more dice!


I can definitely appreciate the design choice to start small and build up to a near-invulnerable state, very much parallels fallout progression.

Looking forward to digging into this a bit more. Best of luck finishing up Glide! I look forward to one day seeing it on my table. 😀