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Sleepy Sasquatch Games

A member registered Dec 14, 2015 · View creator page →

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You're welcome!

Re-rolling for 1 Stamina is done each time you do an Explore action. A very powerful tool!

Thanks, Melv! I hope that you enjoy the new system.

I know that feeling. My pile of reading/to-play is getting too high!

Thank you! POD is coming once all backers receive their professional prints in August/September of this year. I will send an email blast to everyone when the POD becomes available.

Hey! Just ignore the Recover rule for that quest. It was an error in the first printing and I missed changing it the second time around. It should have read "Recover 5 Scrap and Explore 5 Different Locations".

Amazing tool. Works great in Affinity Designer 2 using the Pixel Persona option. Takes a bit of jumping between the tools but you get the same results.

Thank you! Lots more playtesting to be done. Probably needing another good dozen pages of tables for random happenings and cool events.

I am finalizing the print-on-demand copy of Wanderer for DriveThru RPG before launching the project there. I will be sending free upgrade codes to buyers on DTRPG at that time. However, if you shoot me an email ( I'll get you a code in the meantime.

SICK. More STALKER goodness to dive into!

Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

I have a 90% finished adventure called Wanderer - The Dream of Fear that I was planning on launching later this year when I get some more time. In it players explore an ancient pyramid that was once home to an Elven King.  It is full of Shadow beings and ancient evils a la Tolkien's nameless things and some new mechanics. New characters, new weapons and armour, new places to explore.

The Under Realm sound cools and would work greatly by leaning into a Moria-style adventure. I'll put it on my to-do list!


- Cody

Thank you for taking a look!

Zones is CC-BY-SA 4.0, same as Cairn. I will update the license info to reflect this.

Shuffle the deck once to start. As you play keep drawing from the same deck. When the deck runs out, shuffle all the cards together and start drawing from the new deck.

1 - Planning on it. I will likely do a print-run in the next couple of months, once my other projects are fulfilled.

2 - Love your art! Thank you for providing it to be used. I'll message you on Patreon to get the piece sorted.

Thank you for letting me know. I will send another email and key later today.

You can totally play forever in the world or expand into a new map bringing over your character. 

There are no combat mechanics in GLIDE but you are free to adapt outside systems for combat or use the Skill Test system include in GLIDE.

Thank you for the feedback. 

Questions for page 16 - You are correct. The old version of the system was roll die and use the result for the coins gained. This slipped through my editing!

No table as of this time for treasure. You can make up your own or just record it as the value. In the next version there will be tables for generating unique treasure names.

I use this template as the starting point for all of my publications. Thank you!

I appreciate you taking a look at it and giving me the feedback. The game was very simple by design as it was more of a journalism exercise than combat simulator and I'm stoked to hear you have some crunchy combat to slot in to suit your needs!

GLIDE is 80 pages of thematic tables, images, and rules.

Thank you for sharing! Not tacky at all, I love to share people's experiences with my games. I'll be sure to watch the whole thing soon.

The combat is designed to be easy and quick. I will take into consideration the Hard Mode option as other feedback has indicated the same. I've had a few Delves where I was completely stomped by the game and thought it too hard but having the options for players is always good!

Building on the custom character system you mentioned, I have a rough outline of how it works done and will be testing it for a bit before updating the game with the rules. It is pretty straightforward and I hope people can make some broken characters with it, or even just challenge runs. It also opens the door for custom character creation for community content, which is something on my to-do list for Troves.

Thank you for the feedback! I see there is no 14 on the Challenge of Crump delve either, so I must have deleted the row a while back.

I will take the character builder idea into consideration. Perhaps including an option for players to pick from any of the backgrounds for an "advanced start" would be possible. I'm not worried about the balance of characters as Troves is more about having fun and doing cool things.

I am happy to hear that you had fun and if you want to share the link to the stream please do! I will promote it on my socials as well.

Glad to hear it! Please let me know how it goes and be sure to check out the other free Delve: The Challenge of Crump

(1 edit)

1.2 was correcting a few visual artifacts that showed up on export and grammatical issues.

You got it right, at the end of the Delve.

I see on my end that there is an artefact clipping the text on that page. Sorry about that.

Excited to see the result. You can grab the new bundle which includes some more information added to the document that should make things easier to create and also help scale the experience in a fun way.

Absolutely. I will update the Delve Template files with some more information sometime today.

Thank you for the kind words! It's always exciting to hear the enjoyment had by players and I'm happy that the new layout is making things even more thematic and engrossing for you.

Hey Snorklebob,

It is the old version right now. I'm updating the print layouts for a few of my games and will be ordering all the proofs together. I'll post an update here when the new print-on-demand version is made available, likely near the end of April 2024.

That would be awesome and highly appreciated. Send me an email (cody @ sleepysasquatchgames . ca) and I'll get you a link for download!

Thanks for confirming. I'll keep an eye out in case you do a print run and sale in the future as I would like to support your work over just paying the printing company for theirs.

Against the Wind is such a treat to play and honestly just read through from a world building and art admiration perspective. You have created something truly amazing with this and I wish you all the best into the future.

Hey Cezar,

The POD links are showing up as $35+ Canadian for me. Is Lulu printing actually that much (if so, wow) or are the links not adding the proper discount?

Thanks in advance!

(1 edit)

Sure thing! I'll do my best to get something uploaded today.

*Edit - Uploaded for you now. I removed the black backgrounds throughout and the top borders. All art is still included. If there are any issues, please let me know.

You're welcome!

Cards go as Exploration - Discovery - Combat.
Exploration gives you the 5x5 map (Locations on page 11+).
Discovery gives you the obstacles, modifications, etc. (pages 18-19)
Combat SHOULD gives you the enemies encountered that are found on pages 16-17. I see now that things are messed up there.

I'll post an update today to fix this. Thank you for letting me know.

I will be submitting the PDF update on DTRPG this week and submitting the print copy for a proof. Printing takes upwards of 3 weeks right now, so expect more news in April.