So first off: you English is very good so no worries at all. I continue to be amazed that people who do not have English as a first language are able to understand this story. Unfortunately, I write with a lot of slang and I purposely try to use slang and references from different generations throughout the story just to try and make it appeal to different age demographics. I just never imagined that it would go world-wide like it has. It's just really cool when I'm able to still get some of those points across even though there can be a huge language barrier for a lot of readers.
I'm also glad you appreciate the game improvements. I had no clue what I was doing when I started so I'm very much learning as I go. It's funny now that I wrote the damn thing and I can't even make it through the beginning because I think it's so bad now. It really needs fixed so I'll be going back to update the game based on what I learned so hopefully it'll look more consistent in the future.
I appreciate your mixed love and hate for the game and thank you for sharing your thoughts. Stay tuned, it's almost done.