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i have a theory as to why john blanc acts the way he does.

as a narcissist, he expects people to like him, or at least be too afraid of him to wrong him.

when someone doesn't bow down to him, he isn't angry, only fascinated, and like a child seeing a rare toy, he must have it.

this fascination leads to him wanting to mentally pick apart and eventually break his victims, like a child destroying a toy to see what is inside.

what do you guys think?


Close! I think you nailed his character down quite well in the first half, but the breaking sounds more like Chase. John doesn't care about the inner workings of the people around him. He'd be the kind of kid, that throws a tantrum because it wants to have your toy, and the second you give it to them, they throw it away lol 

really? i had the impression that he had in interest in seeing what make those special few people tick, just like the quote "it's closed shut, that just makes me want to open it up even more"

That's because he feels entitled to it. Not because he actually cares