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three things: One very cool game. Two I ask another contestant this question. why did you choose pygame for an engine? Three I was able to mess with the game and just went into the right-down corner and did not die.

all in all very good game.

1: Thank you very much I would love to try something more with dungeon crawler, bullet hell, roguelite, or something with cards like slay the spire ;3

2: pygame is not an engine it's just a library you import in Python which is used typically for games. Python has no game engines as far as I am aware as of writing this. Maybe there are, however, they can be incomplete or not polished enough to start learning them or just not well-known to the public yet.

3: I am really curious to see the video or just a screenshot, you can use OBS or just your phone, maybe it will help us make better games in the future? ;3

4: Thank you for playing the game, you flatter me haha, take care!