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Thanks Xorclev for the feedback! It really means alot to me!

As far as the glitches go, I knew that the head stop sometimes didn't work but didn't know how to fix it. Its actually an issue that I discovered after buying that particular asset from the unity asset store, I reached out to the content creator about 3 times but never heard anything from him. Hopefully, I can partner with someone that knows scripting and unity better than myself and we can figure out a fix for that, as I really do like that particular game template. 

Also, the teleport glitch that you mentioned, is something I discovered after I submitted my game. The way the teleporters work, is it looks for a collision, and whatever collides with it, triggers the  level jump. Problem is, the bugs have 2 colliders, 1 to determine if you are stomping them, and a 2nd larger one that acts as a vision of sorts, so when you enter this trigger, it causes the bug to chase you. I discovered that if this 2nd collider hits the teleporter, it triggers the level jump. I should've set the teleporter to collide only with the tag of player to trigger the level jump. 

Lastly, I feared that there would be a giant bug  (no pun intended) that might cause a need for a game quit. The backspace key can quit the game at anytime (not just when the game is paused), as long as you are in a game stage and not the tile/level select screen or credits screen. 

Thanks again for the feedback! I feel it helps me to make (in my opinion) better games!