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Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

I am also confused, because I haven't asked about why something is a thing or what opinions people have, I have asked about clarification on some aspect of rules, because "external third-party software" can be anything, including dll libraries that unity engine putting in games' folder or directX libraries or browser with javascript support, specific OS etc.

I needed a simple answer, preferably from the people who I am sure are part of this jam's stuff. If I pack engine/interpreter with game (some of engines basically do that already even if we do not know that) is it going to be "external third-party software" by the rules or not?

P.S. Rules are not clear, I am not sure if in my case it is "external third-party software/game" (see rules, forbidden) or "interpreter" (see rules, it is okay to use)

I understand you want to help someone understand our rules wording, but let's have some more respect for someone asking an honest question about a pretty specific case that they're unsure about. This community welcomes learning and that includes encouraging questions, not shaming them.