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Thank you so much for your feedback!!!!! It took me hours of my days to actually finish this demo. Lots over overtime and sleepless nights haha. It is a bit of a shame that people aren't trying this. Maybe it's my page presentation. I gatta work on that haha. I need a better title image and better screen shots. Those are always hooking. I'll probably need to commission someone to do this hahaha.

I genuinely don't know why?? The presentation looked great even on the entries listings... but if I knew how to pull people in I'd certainly have more traction too... 

oh! As a matter of fact I realized I didn't include this question: I'm unsure where exactly I was supposed to sell the scrap items I found? It was confusing since I'm confident I explored every part of the town? And I was unable to complete the guard's quest too..

Those aren't implemented in the game yet. I wanted players to hold onto their junk just when they lost everything :) As for the guard quest, that hasn't been implemented yet either.