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Thanks for the reply. 

I'm very glad you are trying to stick with it. It means a lot. Hopefully you can make the controls more comfortable for yourself soon. 

About the sections where you can fall down a long distance; This is something that I'm very much aware of and that I also did on purpose. In past games I often had segments like this because I think it breaks up the level design quite nicely and I just like the design in general, but I can understands why people don't like it. I tried to not have too many of those sections in the game and also to not make them too punishing.


The falling between rooms became more a problem for me with inter-room shift jet puzzles. There were times when I'd get into a new room and, due to how close my character already was to the bottom of the screen, I literally couldn't get my mouse into a place within the game window that would allow me to continue in the direction I needed to go. This led to a few frustrating tumbles.

Beat it :) btw I encountered a small bug when falling while trying to get to the optional boss fight in the snowy area. Sometimes when I fell the player would disappear on the board with the horizontal lasers but not die and I'd have to reset the game.