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Whoa, you work fast!

Thanks for another detailed review. I am very glad that you were willing to play through it again, and took the time to write a review. That alone tells me that the game is interesting enough to warrant playing it more than once.

To address your feedback, firstly I agree with everything you've mentioned. 

The balance is all over the place, mostly since the math I use to determine the damage values the player will take from an attack is still being worked on. The goal is to have one calculation that works for all enemies, and incorporates things like their damage, the player's armor, and the enemies' armor piercing values. Right now I think the formula makes the early game easy, but the late game too difficult to enjoy. It's also hard to figure out since I don't have all the pieces of the puzzle, like the rest of Combat Arts, ready. I'm hoping the problem will resolve itself without me having to change any values by just adding more skills.

Pressing Enter is annoying - it really should be asking for ANY key instead of enter and it's something I didn't really think about after the first implementation. It will be going on my to-do list and implemented by the next patch. I also need to get to work on rebindable keys to avoid issues with the WERTYU setup. 

Sounds for UI and enemies is something I didn't get to work on, but I remember all your insight from the last update. It will surely be addressed for the next update. I never even thought about having sounds on opening UI panels. It's so obvious in hindsight that it's been missing, but it's just one of those things that require a different perspective to notice.

Thanks again for the detailed feedback and playthrough. I am very grateful for your help and support. It has been a long and fun journey for both of our games, and I'm glad we're both improving our games and our skills.