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(1 edit)

The art is beautiful, the music is entrancing, the atmosphere overall is mystical and magical, and I'm effectively hooked. Good start! I'll go check out Chapter 2 now. Didn't know is was out already)

UPD: Aww, the plot thickens! And I like the characters more and more (except August, of course).  I have a good feeling about some of them - a particularly good feeling. I also hope that pursuing someone won't lock you out of interacting with other characters too much. I'd rather like to have friends as well as RO's.

Note: There is something weird going on with Omen's art. His sprite is wastly different from the CG's (the sprite's chin seems too big in comparison), and the CG's portray him just as differently (actually, when I saw him in Ch2, I thought for a second that is was his twin sister in the doorway due to eye and brow shape XD). It's like he can't decide what he wants to look like.

Thank you for playing! Glad to hear you enjoyed. Pursuing a romance with someone won't reduce the interactions with the others. The romances will run fluidly alongside the main story and serve as extra scenes. 

Regarding Omen's art, we have two different artists that work on the game. One who does our sprites, backgrounds and some of our CGs, and another that just does some of our CGs. Due to this and their different art styles there will be some slight differences in characters appearances between the sprites and the CGs, and also where we may choose to switch up who does what characters CG in each chapter. We are all also still learning and actively trying to improve our skills/art as we go, as we are very new to this :)

Thank you so much for your feedback, though!