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So glad to see how this game is coming along, and the guys sounds brilliant. As always, I'm crazy for that beautiful not-so-Little John; maybe he's refusing to fight back because he actually wants me to climb him like a tree? :D

Also, the Avalon font is quite cool. I never really thought about the fact that the language would look different in this game, I figured they'd just be writing in "The King's English". But then, I didn't know that the game was set in Avalon, so there's that. Anyway, neat little detail!

I'm also happy to hear you're starting to recover from long-COVID. I finally got past the worst of mine about a month back (it lasted about 4 months), and it was a relief; drinking coffee like mad and still falling asleep constantly got old fast. here's hoping things only get better for you!

I was wondering, will we get a preview of the Nottingham route too, maybe next update? :)


Thanks for the well-wishes, I'm glad your long Covid is fading too!  Mine also lasted about four months, and I know all about that horrible, unnatural fatigue.

Made Marion is set in a fictional kingdom called Avalon. Its backstory is an altered version of the Arthurian myth, which you'll learn a bit about in the game's animated lore intro (we're working on that right now, and our cut-in artist Lawrichai is doing some really neat stuff with the graphics!). 

Avalon is a tumbled mess of cultural influences from all over Northern Europe, with a particular focus on Gaelic/Celtic influence.  Magic is real and comes from the mystical fae folk who are based on Celtic, English, and Scandinavian myth. Its fantasy elements and unique culture are why there are numerous anachronisms if you try to map it to actual history, such as dye colours that weren't available and couples dances that were considered scandalous in the Christian Middle Ages.

The entire Nottingham common route is already available in our demo, so preview it away!  There are some small script edits that will appear in the final demo and the full game release, but otherwise the main changes to Nottingham Common will be graphical (new sprites, CGs, animations).  The reason Sherwood Common Chapter 2 isn't in the existing demo is because of the sparring scene - I needed combat sprites and they weren't ready in time for our demo release and KS campaign.