Excellence: Plays enough like Pac-Man, but unfortunately I had to take a star off because I kept struggling to fit into holes. Would've appreciated it if Pac-Harold snapped to the grid instead of moving freely.
Combat: Eating ghosts is as close as you can get for a Pac-Man clone, but when I play Pac-Man I'm not expecting in-depth battles anyway. I appreciate the power-up timer.
Comedy: The concept of Harold Pac-Man is pretty funny but Pac-Man games usually don't come with a boatload of comedy anyway.
Sound: Was nice having custom sounds, but if you're going to put music in a Pac-Man game please make the loop more than four seconds long.
Visuals: Perfect marriage of Harold and Pac-Man complete with Reid ghosts.
Story: Eat the hearts, get the swords, eat the Reids. I feel bad giving this a low score though considering arcade games aren't really supposed to have in-depth stories anyway.
I really feel like I rated this lower than I should've based on the criteria and how I perceived them, but don't get me wrong; this is a really really nice entry and definitely something out of the ordinary.