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Don't worry, I love it when people give me feedback that's honest and constructive, so I thank you for taking the time to write this up.

To address some of what you said. No, currently you cannot connect to more than one tower at a time, but it was a feature I wanted to get done, sadly though, not enough time. The goal was to have upgradable towers and an upgradable battery. Upgrading towers would increase their damage and speed, while upgrading the battery would give it more power, therefore more connections to towers. The aiming/priority for the towers was not finished as I was going to refine it a little because I agree, that sometimes towers don't target what seems most important to target, again just not enough time.

Some things I'd like to ask/follow up with your feedback. I don't think that adding a hit stop/screen shake would be a good idea, to be honest. Why? Let's say you are using the electric tower that shoots around 10 times a second. You will be pausing the game briefly every1/10th of a second and that seems way too annoying. The same goes for screen shake, your screen will always be shaking. I personally don't think it fits into a tower defense game because those effects are usually for combat-style games.

Could you clarify what you are saying in your second paragraph? I think I understand what you mean by "remembering what was the last selected tower", but when you say "rather than pressing LMB to remove the tower and selecting the tower again and then adding it to a new place", I'm not sure I follow. You don't press LMB to remove towers and I'm not sure what you mean by "selecting the tower again". Also, dragging a tower from spot to spot takes away the thinking required for where to place a tower in the most efficient spot, therefore also having no point in having a currency system since you wouldn't have to sell towers, only reposition them.

I really like the slow-mo idea, I think it's perfect for the fast-paced game that it is, to slow down time while placing a tower because I see no reason to punish the player for trying to purchase a tower mid-wave/level. Thank you very much for the suggestion!

(1 edit)

Yeah, I am not definitely not a tower defence player typically, so you will know better. These are just the suggestions I give to most action games if they don't have those elements. I think the particle effects could help you without getting too noisy, if you just keep the particles to a minimum. For the camera shake and hit stop, I totally see what you are saying. One way to do it is to reduce the fire rate but make each bullet be worth more, and then at least the camera shake might work. The hitstop maybe you do only for when an enemy dies or when player takes severe damage. If you take a look at the twin stick shooter roguelike enter the gungeon, you will notice that they have a subtle screenshake each time you fire a bullet, and the bullets fire pretty fast, and in that game it doesn't get repetitive, though they only shake when the bullet fires, not when it hits. It still may not work, but I feel its worth a shot to reduce fire rate and add screen shake for the bullet fire, and then minor hit stop in those two situational cases.

For the removing towers, let me correct myself, what I mean is that - in order to remove a tower you select it with LMB and then remove it with RMB, then if you want to place that tower elsewhere, you have to again select it from the shop, and then place it in the new spot. If there is a net cost associated with buying a tower and selling it (I apologize I didn't pay attention to that part as much), then I understand the game design and I agree with your decision on making the purchasing and placement of towers important. In that case, yeah the slow motion does make more sense as an option for you.

I would be happy to playtest a future build if you make one. Feel free to reach out to me, at any time, even now. I'm @rsaamar on the Lost Relic Games Discord Server. It's good to have fellow indie game devs to chat with on topics and for feedback.


I think I'll compromise with this " The hitstop maybe you do only for when an enemy dies or when player takes severe damage." After thinking about it, I think it's a great idea to use some sort of screen shake/hit stop when an enemy hits the elemental battery. Great for making it feel more important and like the player took some damage! I think this is the best way to approach this.

Correction, you don't have to select a tower in order to sell it, you can just RMB it.

And yes, I will be adding some particle effects as well as status effects to enemies to know when they are slowed/frozen/etc.

Thanks so much for the feedback. I will add you on discord, you seem like a nice guy/game developer. Look out for MyPing0#6370
