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Feels like it's been a while since I've said anything of real value...

Keep it up, man! You've inspired me to try making my own game. Hope you're doing alright! PMA!

Unrelated random epiphany:

I really want to tickle the shark...

Epiphany from your Epiphany. 

Do you want to Die?

(1 edit)

It'll be worth every single giggle I can get out of her.

She definitely gonna bring you to the Dungeon after. 

Beating you up for free.


An Hour later Epiphany

Okay... I also maybe want to tickle Sadist Shark...

(1 edit)

Comment on both of your epiphanies:

Trying to tickle a sadistic psychopath will almost certainly not end well for you! She'll throw you in jail for some totally bogus reason. You WANT to tickle someone like that?

Use Drain Kiss instead! :P 

Comment on your comment on our epiphanies:

Yes, yes we do.

Also, why not both?

Epiphany, to the Epiphany, to both of our Epiphanies, to this Epiphany. 

Suicide Squad. 


haha, a dangerous desire~


Thank you, happy to hear! Good luck with your game!