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Aww oh my gosh, thank you!! That is the exact kind of feeling I wanted to convey, too. A lot of my own trans journey had bits of both but definitely was very gender euphoria "this is so much more comfortable"-centric. Thank you for letting me know that you liked it, that really means a ton! This made me so happy to read! :)


The only (near) person in my life that knows I am... enby? fluid? working it out? is my sister. It's killing me and has for ages before even that I can't dress more femme (and pride month so SO many great clothes I could be getting D: ) other family might not be so cool. But yeah it's little gems like this tale of yours that really help lift me up, affirm and validate my feelings. It means the world. so thank YOU. 😊 


That honestly means the world to me to hear-- it's a total honor to be able to help in that kind of way :) Thank you so so much for commenting and telling me all of this. I hope you get to dress in all those great clothes soon!