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A member registered Dec 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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Clever idea for an outlet. Glad you're  in a better place.

Sounds pretty tame by station 13's standard.

❤️‍🩹 love  your work

hahaaaa picked a whole bouquet of oopsie-daisys 💀

The browser demo hit the game end screen two chapters in. Is the dl version longer or...?

couldn't hurt! let people who don't  want to bother with renpy or an exe in general have an ebook/physical option.

Fair enough. I'll wait for the paperback lol


Someone's fussy 😳

Humbly requesting a backgroundless png option ❤️‍🩹

Twine? Renpy? Something else?

Is this kinetic or are there choices, or the illusion of choice?

I love it. More material on lower stakes (or high stakes low violence) really needs to be a thing ;-;

(1 edit)

curious but scared: journaling, especially in broad strokes of past included, ends up looking llike a long list of messed up stuff, medical and otherwise. 😞 "positive and empowering light" has me curious. 

anyone with similar reservations that can weigh in? ❤️‍🩹

Thanks for community copy! A few more bucks saved for medical junk AND a game that just wins by design.

I'm compelled to start impromptu rounds on the unsuspecting, maybe even sans cards.

don't have cause money is tight, but cool to see this still getting some love.

My best guess is this game flopped HARD, and they didnt have the returns on how much they spent on launch. 

It's $ 1.99 on steam. Their patron is active but not updayed, their shop site 404's and their team site redirected me to a chinese ad page.

They likely failed to advert it enough/well enough.


Yeah, in addition to a few minor grammatical errors. We could list them as we find them, or you could let someone run through the text in bulk and play editor. 

Also screencap of some fun text i got on the screen: browser version, on an android.

In the course of getting a new PC after my older ones quiet death ( ;-;7 ), I've  had to downgrade to windows 11: Before i even start to dig, does your robust engine require any old, obtuse, painfully-specific installs? .dll? and old specific year of AIR? you get the idea.

when i try to load game on android, it picks up where I'd  left off, but the background would be a static of some credits, and after the dialog it wouldnt advance.

tried on a galaxy tablet and a galaxy phone (both android). way zoomed in so texy is cut off on the ruggt, with only vertical scrolling. and the cover image didnt load.

Someone get this dude(tte?) a dev team to design for. Brilliant analysis and explanation

this SO ALMOST runs on my phone. i mean... it DOES but it cuts off a few letters on the far left. 😟

🥺❤️‍🩹My eyes are sweating.

This makes the confused little s/he/-it that I have a big happy. Not that I can afford it, but the preview pages and the topic being represented more in an honest light. 

you're rockin it. 

P.S. There is a portfolio icon on your caard page that leads nowhere. ?

This totally vibes. I have been (and remain in) a 'too much home' place in life.

After some health issues I was born with took another massive dive a couple years ago: I was told I can't safely drive anymore. Home alone almost all day almost every day, not a safe neighborhood for a walk. AND my computer stopped working around then. I usually wake up to all the window drapes pulled shut so darkish house. 

Home feels like a tomb sometimes...

thanks for sharing this. ;-; i felt feelings.

ouch, I know less than nothing about the workings of apple stuff.  sorry mate hope help comes along

wanna tell us what kinda phone it was?

Well, that's  an unexpected turn on the CATCH THEM genre 😳👍


(1 edit)

It's  like if the neutral  president from futurama made a game... that isn't  a compliment.

Hello there, I hope youre well!

I have lived my whole life with a chronic illness, whicg has lead to a cascade of other wacky chronic ailments as I've grown. Very much in the same boat with "taking medicine to delay (MASSIVE) surgery.  

I can empathize, if you ever want to trade stories or talk it out a bit, happy to throw that offer out. As well as resources if you need help or info!

much love to all!

p.s. To all: Go play But You Seem Fine. Its great in how it eximplifies invisible ailments/disabilities, and the challenges they can pose.


I'll  look at it tonight and see what i camdo!

Its no trouble at all, I am happy to help. I can open and see the sheet with the link in-browser, and with google docs sheets program, but I cannot edit anything. I can add comments (which aren't shown) but the actual cells are marked view only.

Since it's  fairly short, I would be happy to go through it to make it sound more natural, if you have a way for me to read and edit, like a .txt or whatnot.

You're welcome! And I am sure you could find competent volunteers who would be willing to give it a once-over for free. 

You might ask a native speaker to give it a pass. Machine translation is very good, but it's just off enough to not sound natural. very distracting and immersion breaking. Same with your other games.



wild ride.