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Képtalálat a következőre: „baldi L gif”

(1 edit)

I believe quite the contrary, my dear user, I think it is YOU who is the real loser here. I feel quite like you're the one missing out here, and all your attempts to try to make us appear all lower than you, a dedicated fan of Baldi's Basics, have been fruitless.

(BTW, did I guess right about what makes AEWVS not good compared with BBIEAL?)

Also, I feel neutral about AEWVS and BBIEAL, can't we all be?

he didn't even say anything lol.

This hand gesture means "loser"

Totally he didn't meant that lol. That "dance" was so overused and it is so unquality and so bad that people use it ironically and it have lost all of the meaning. And the baldi here is extremely creepy so this is just an extremely ironic and distorted meme or something.