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KV! I think I enjoyed the battle system in this more than almost any jam game I've played. The FTB system was well thought out and I enjoyed exploiting weaknesses. Attacks were fast and punchy (you matched my tastes in action sequences perfectly somehow!?) and battles didn't over stay their welcome. There was enough variety in this short game that I felt good playing twice. 

I am confused by why you didn't use the Oldhar map sprite! I like how you snuck in a couple jokes here and there. Oh that Harold. When will he learn? One of the more enjoyable jam games I've played so far!

Oops, it seems in my last patch I forgot to put the player event back on the starting map, so you all won’t be seeing the intro or the OESU gang on the map. 😞 A very Harold happenstance.

I’ll fix it when I’m allowed to upload again.

Glad you enjoyed it in spite of the error! Thanks for the feedback. 😃