Hi! I noticed you’d commented on my video. I usually clarify what I liked about the game and what I didn’t to maybe help you in the future but everything is just my opinion so do with it as you please! I would of liked if you had some voice overs seeing that the small game had a lot of dialogue and that it isn’t a visual novel. Also I thought the ending was funny and I enjoyed it. I just don’t like how 90 percent of the game was reading. Cause it didn’t feel much like a game but maybe that’s what you were going for?
Once again, thanks for playing. Voice over could have been a good idea, yes, but the project was short, it is just that.
Sorry, but the game is listed as an interactive fiction - software simulating environments in which players use text to stimulate and influence the environments and sometimes control characters, works in this form can be understood as literary narratives, in the form of interactive narrations. I truly apologize if the game was not what you thought it would be. I will improve on next games. Sorry.
Edit: Again, sorry if this was a bad experience. Good day.