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(1 edit)

when multiple people list their actions at the same time, how exactly am I supposed to list that? 

Also, in the case of a time disparity between listed times and the receipts should we also account for travel time?

goddamit i dont want to be stupid why am i the only one who cant figure this out

Don't worry! It can be frustrating at times, but there is no need to account for the travel time! Could you put an example on where you are having trouble? Cheers!


Nevermind, the issue was that I couldn't map the Sweet-oums Store. 

I ended up submitting the case file purposefully unfinished so that I could see what aspects of the timeline were incorrect.

Also, I ended up wondering about 'travel time' because the bodybuilder from the first casefile stated: "Three hours [after he had arrived at the first destination stated] ... I went to go grab a bite." It was simply that none of the available receipts corresponded to that time, with the earliest example being four hours later, during the afternoon! I guess I didn't anticipate human error like I should have!

 Thanks for the advice tho!