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I like this reminds me of the last few games I have played through recently that a lot of people in the comments have said already. I was getting confused with controls because I was playing without a controller so that took some time to figure out. I also had something weird happen after killing an enemy I got stuck on their body for a bit but I managed to escape thankfully. The other thing too is I had to force close the game I think an options menu would be a great add. The feel of the game is nice and I like the atmosphere. The one thing that took me out of it was when the audio would either loop or it was just cutting out on my end. I think this concept has a ton of potential to become a full game!


Thanks for putting up with the messy controls and bugs, you're right there's a lot to iron out in all areas. I will be putting out an updated version after the game jam ends so hope your experience will improve then if you're willing to give it another go!

awesome I look forward to it. I plan on doing the same for mine. Got some work to do to make it better. Our brains are expanding.