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Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

This was a cool horror game about working at a butcher shop while a serial killer is on the loose. I felt that the idea of working at a butcher shop is quite cool and having to perform tasks while not knowing what is going on outside is definitely nerve-wrecking and scary. It was horrifying when the serial killer just stood outside the door, ready to chase the main character down. I am kinda curious about whether the people killed by the serial killer were the main character's customers and I am also curious about whether it is possible to escape from the serial killer as well. The atmosphere for the game is quite dark and scary due to random and sudden noises that can occur at anytime. Also, I enjoyed the door opening animation as it really reminded me of the old Resident Evil style of opening doors XD.

Other than that, some issues I faced was picking up the wrong meat. (Is it possible to throw the meat away or not into the dustbin? If it is possible than it is my bad XD.) Moreover, at times, the main character just moves ahead or in some random direction after opening doors which can be really bad when it comes to "running away from the killer scenarios".

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.


Thank you so much for playing my game! and for the feedback, I am so glad you liked it, and yes.... the corpses are the first 2 customers, in the story the first 2 customers came face to face with the butcher who was on his way to the Butcher Shop to do a part of his revenge, and as the description says "he kills anyone who appears in front of him", and that's what happened to the 2 customers, they crossed the path of the psychopathic Butcher, and the butcher killed them, about getting the wrong meat, it is possible to throw the meat away in the trash on the side of the meat stock, and for the game not be a bit slow and boring, I will make an update where the player can choose in the options menu whether to play with the transition of the door or not, and I will also reduce the delay time of the arrival of customers