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from my experience reading vns, i find it best to have a protagonist with their own personality. i know people love the idea of self inserts but it just fails to me, because it means the protagonist has very generic traits that don't really matter and usually makes me forget they are even there. i was much more keen to connect with P in the hinterlands, (and guess who i ended up making fan art of). i understand the novelty of putting yourself in the story with a custom character, but as far as i've experienced it just can't ever be good enough customization to satisfy me (besides maybe appearance) and in the end i get a non character. now, i won't say you should course correct, this kind of thing will always result in backlash, and it's not like i have any stakes on MC. as is, he's effectively non existent to me.


I totally understand that, but I'm pretty opposite? I enjoy a character who has a bit of personality, but is still generic enough that they can be used as a self insert... :P


It just so happens that the cost for making a self insert causes a lack in personality that i don't find relatable. In a sense it still fails as an insert, so might aswell add some flavor and fail in style. Also it breaks the immersion to have this empty vessel being of vital importance to the plot. Feels like pandering for the sake of it, rather than something they earned.