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I checked out the latest public version and you did good but the one complaint is a bug where you didn't completely pause before you save and you only have to use the mouse to move the buttons in the menu instead of a arrow button. Anyway let me hope next version has lesbian sex and also the nudist beach route. Including a cheat at least in patreon.

With Patreon Editions, I'm adding my growing debug menu, which I build out for testing. This will have the option to cheat.

Long term I'm thinking of difficulty settings, like it can be nice to have a bit of a challenge.

Pause Menu - yep, am addressing.

Menus requiring mouse - Well, I use a tool to override the menus and make my own. I'm going to be looking into how to add keyboard controls to them, but right now I cannot see a way.

For next version - my current plans are next version will contain an "open" city area where you might increase your skills at exhibitionism. The idea is that the various chapters will then be accessible via different areas. I'll probably build out another chapter/scenario as part of that version too. Getting to the nudist beach, I think that's later. It's possible to peak too early in my thinking, so it will be various ways the character grows in her "skills" etc before getting there. Lesbian sex will get hotter and hotter in the different chapters. Like I said, don't want to peak too early. I am reasonably sure I can keep players entertained en route.

Okay,I will be looking forward to the next version of the game when it includes lesbian sex (both girls naked) and the nudist beach route in the future.