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Oh, siiick. Thanks so much for finding that. What a weird problem! You've definitely saved me a LOT of time and frustratiomn looking for the problem, I can't thank  you enough :) 

Ok I'll implement that fix v. v. soon. I messed some stuff up in the project (improving the editor dragging) But once I've fixed this I'll upload a new version for you.

Cheers man!!

No Problem, without me the Problem wouldn't exist at all so that was the minimum i could do. 

Thank you for taking the time to fix it.

Not too many devs care about non-mainstream operating systems so this was a quite pleasant change of pace :]

If you ever need some help with testing for Linux let me know ^_^

Cheers man! will do :)

Linux version is up now! Hope it works, and that I didn't break something else :D