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Great job submitting a game! This is a great take on a space shooter game. The visuals are great, I especially love the laser boss design. 

The game is a bit too difficult for me, or maybe I haven't found the best upgrade combination but I couldn't get past the laser boss. In the second level the screen got so cluttered, getting hit was unavoidable. I really like how the laser also kills enemies, its a nice detail. The different types of enemies were also fun to deal with. I especially like the one that follows the movement of your ship so you have to guide them into your bullets.

I would like some hit feedback on enemies with more health. Sometimes it was hard to tell if I was actually hitting them which made it hard to tell how much health they had. The upgrade screen offers a lot and creates some interesting decisions. I like how you only show the player health when you get hit so there is more screen real estate to work with. 

Overall I had fun, just wish I was able to finish the game. Thanks for participating!


Thanks for playing, sending feedback, as well as hosting the jam!