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The art is fantastic, the writing is fantastic, God--my only wish was that there was more, but at the same time, I think this story works best as this little slice. I got a little choked up, which means a lot for me, hehe. It's hard to find stories that portray sex like this--as ultimately an emotional, rather than purely physical, experience. Also did I mention that the art is amazing like??? Hello????

The ending is especially appreciated for reasons I can't really describe without obviously spoiling things, hehehe. Happy pride! Thank you for sharing this, and best of luck to you with whatever projects you might be gracing us with next.

Thank you so, so much! I do have more stories to tell about Dea and Em! I'm just not quite sure when I'll have the opportunity to shape those into a finished work. Next spring, perhaps? Time will tell!

Oh, and the most wonderful pride to you as well!