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I've been playing the full digital version for a few days and loving it. It feels like there is so much depth to the world and possible story lines, plus the great art, humor, world building and all the little clues that keep you poking around for how to unlock and discover more.

Highly recommended.

(As Athanasius mentions in another comment, the Send Owl digital distro the publisher uses is kinda junky. Not something a developer usually has much control over though. If you have any kind of javascript blocking make sure to turn it all off before trying to access your downloads, otherwise you might run out of downloads without getting the file. I had 1 left by the time it worked.)


I'm really glad to hear that you like the game so far! I definitely get what you're saying about the digital distribution. I will see what I can do. If anyone loses access to the game after paying for it I will make sure to get it sorted out though.


Just confirmed w Incube8 that the download limit has been removed :)


Thank you, glad to hear it!

Hey I'm new to and i just purchased the digital edition but I'm not sure how to play it? Do people download emulators? Maybe I should purchase a GBC so I can buy the physical edition? (Sorry I'm new to this but I love indie games)

(1 edit)

The main options are:

* Emulator (most will probably work, Emulicious, SameBoy, BGB are among the most accurate). You can often use gamepads with them. Or emulators running on other handhelds / gaming systems.

* On real GameBoy / Color + Everdrive (or equivalent flash drive) which you can load the digital ROM onto

* On real Game Boy + the physical edition cart