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I admit I cheated a bit, I couldn't remember the controls so I ran into the building, just started killing people with my tail, found the top hat guy and smacked him :)

I liked the way you put the story as its own menu item, and your whole set of menus looks very good.
The game work as expected, I think you should focus next on adding more art etc to the game, perhaps using a terrain with trees, grass etc and then put more models in the buildings themselves.

Its good that you got a game out there, keep going.


Thank you! Yeah I tried to plan ahead for the murder hobos but honestly, it is too much fun to kill first and ask questions later. 

Thanks for the comment on the menus, I kinda took the concept from a Brackeys video and expanded it to credits et al. 

Texture and terrain editing like grass and trees were on the list and I even had some models from a previous project to use but I failed to manage time, definitely a good lesson for a game jam!