Hey, you mention a linux export which you cannot test; I can’t find it, in the zip is just an .exe and a .pck
Am I looking in wrong place?
Thanks a lot for providing the build!
Starting the application, clicking through things, reading tutorial, adding an own project, generally adding/changing/deleting data in available sections - all works.
I encountered a crash when trying to change the title of a journal entry, but on reloading (no data lost btw, nice!), renaming an entry worked as expected.
Thanks for your reply, i really appreciate your feedback!
At least i will note down this bug and check it out in the future. As you can see in the timeline, the developement slowed down over the months, since i am working on different projects, but from time to time i still work on it. Hit me up, if you have any problems.
Schöne Grüße aus Berlin :)