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I was planning on getting the demo for this game, but I noticed it was no longer on the Google play store so I found it on your site. I downloaded it, but when I try to open it, it tells me it has stopped working.

I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. I downloaded it again and once again it didn't work. So I reinstalled it and restarted my phone. Still nothing.

I know I can get it on PC, but I travel a lot so my phone is more covenant.

I have a galaxy s8+.

Thank you

Hello, we have just updated the Google play version of the game. Could you try that and let us know if it works? ((

Thank you. I did that and downloaded the demo, but I couldn't find where to buy it. Also when I went into the extra section and clicked on other I got a wall of code. I took a screen shot if you need to see it.

One last thing, when I clicked on credits nothing happened. It didn't even light up.

Thank you again for your time.

We've updated the Google play version to fix the bug with the Extras section. Credits will be unlocked once you've completed the game at least once. 

Purchase screen will show up once you've ended up on one of  the routes, and it will ask if you want to purchase the single route or the full game. A future update will add the ability to purchase the full game to the main menu.