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Really, really fun! The core gameplay is quite solid, and the tactical options are very fun. My favourite part was when I killed the first big guy and found out that I could revive him, so satisfying!

Visual-wise I think you’ve got what was needed, sometimes it’s kind of hard to see what is happening, whose guys are whose, all you know is that things are fighting, but honestly, it’s more than good enough for a game-jam.

The AI is very functional, some commands for them would have been nice, like a “go here” command, but once again, game-jam, so that would be a nice addition for the future.

Overall, really satisfying, and has solid core gameplay, so I think that with just some spit-and-shine you’d have a very satisfying pre-alpha in your hands.


Thank you for playing, and I appreciate the detailed  feedback! :)

You've mentionned some good points, and I'll be noting them for future improvement, thank you!