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(2 edits) (+1)

Nice work! If possible I would greatly appreciate a linux build, and I wouldn’t mind testing it for you.

I think this game is mechanically very satisfying. It reminds me a little bit of Overlord, which makes me kind of wish there was a Beacon spell that could force allies to target a specific enemy in the radius. I found the spells to be fairly well balanced, and once I realized even my fireballs weren’t exactly effective but saw the effectiveness of the revived wolves the whole game sort of clicked for me.

The controls are a little laggy because of webGL, but otherwise I think the interface is very intuitve. I didn’t have any issue targeting enemies, though mechanically I think the way enemies retreat to their original space when you escape their boundaries is a little too exploitable. It takes a while for the game to really up the danger level, which is good for learning but could leave a slow first impression.

The game mostly has a very clean aesthetic, but I think the terrain comes across as less stylized. In the future I think you would benefit a lot from having more cartoonish textures on the ground and using harder brushes to mark the path, in order to fit your low poly style. A polygonal normal mesh might also help push that low-poly aesthetic. Combined with the map design I did enjoy the slow shift from forests and outer walls to castle gates and fortresses, which felt very natural.

The main issue I had with the game other than WebGL performance is in the audio. Most of the sounds are good on their own and a few missing particles or sounds are understandable with the ten days, but in more chaotic situations the audio can start overlapping and distorting. I would recommend getting an audio mixer set up to resolve this.

Overall, good work!


Thank you for playing and for the detailed feedback! :)

I will be making a linux build, would be happy if you can test it out.

For the WebGL, I have an audio mixer setup but for some reasons it doesn't have the same levels on the web version compared to pc. Since I didn't have enough time couldn't really polish that part, but I'll note it.


That makes perfect sense, our game is missing all reverb and chorus effects on WebGL. Don’t even get me started on how it handles video playback. :’)


Uploaded a Linux build, would appreciate you testing and giving feedback about  the version.

(1 edit)

There’s still some framerate fluctuation, which is to be expected with a gamejam. The input lag is entirely gone and it feels responsive. I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary with this version of the game.

The audio distortion is still there; it’s specifically the Dark Resurrection ability. If you lower that sound slightly, I think the audio situation will be fine.