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(1 edit)

Original Message translated with Google Translate and a couple edits:

The calculation of flight speed gives me a lot of headaches. I have a lot of floatrons but the maximum speed is difficult to increase. I suggest to change the flight speed calculation formula and to improve the drop probability of the floatrons.

Hello there,

I don't speak Chinese but I have Google translate and a friend helped me a bit. From what I am hearing, it seems like there are two issues here. Firstly, that acceleration is too slow and you have a hard time finding floatrons (ejectors). Secondly, that the drop rate for floatrons are too low and the drop chance should be increased.

I have made some changes to address the first issue coming in the next update. I am still playing around with the exact numbers but I have changed the way the calculations for speed and acceleration are handled. Firstly, the acceleration in now only based on mass and thrust. It used to also account in maximum speed but that has been removed. The second change is that maximum speed takes into shape as well as thrust. These changes have been good for both the players and the enemies you are fighting against.

With regard to the drop rate of floatrons, I feel that they are in the right spot after making the changes. I'm not sure if you are aware, but every shop will always contain a floatron. That might help you for now.

Thanks for your feedback!

Google Translate:




