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who even finds this out? almost no one gets a potion for 5 hp

That would be really broken with Red Hoodie.


amazing you missed the "disabled for 1 combat" after use nice job

no i mean if this person is telling the truth out of combat damage still activates items so it would activate red hoodie

Well, iirc, Star Potions are one of the potions you can get from her. Those can make golden whetstones.

yes but not only golden whetstones also curses and non-golden whetstone items

(1 edit)

But if you have 1000 hp and passive healing, paying 100 life to fill up on star potions isn’t a big deal.

once curses start doing 500+hp you will think overwise, its a death sentance

It's great when you have Spices. It's basically a free potion if you have the space to place it adjacent to Spices.