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We can see that you put most of your resources in the graphics, and it's very successful! The story is quite short but I like its rather dark side finally, it changes a little bit :) . On the other hand, the mechanics are quite simple, with the pencils to be fetched for example (maybe don't say where they are to let the player look for them?). I ask to see more :) . Good luck for the Jam !


(1 edit) (+1)

We are glad you enjoyed our game! About mechanics: tbh it's because of TIME (hehe). We just wanted to make it as fast as We can, so We just created easy task for the player. But this is a great idea for the update! Thank you for apprecaite also the graphics in the game and for whole feedback! 

BTW: Damn I'm really impressed that you actually played it on your gameboy can you tell me more how you did that? Cause tried to find some informations about making own cartridge but still it's pretty hard. 


So to play your game, I used my Everdrive from Krikzz, you put a micro SD card in it that contains the games, and off you go.
On the other hand I also have a "dumper" which allows you to flash a blank cartridge from the rom on the computer, it's a good solution for example to market your game. If you want a copy of your game one day, I can flash one for you (I've already done it for several developers), but I'm in France, so with the shipping costs, it may not be the ideal solution ;) Where are you from ?


Damnn that sounds really cool! Gonna check it!

YEAH that would be very cool to have own game on cartridge to play! Well actually I’m from Poland but was born in France. Gonna be there for holidays so sounds like a chance! :D 

 Well if you prefer we can talk about it on Discord! 


No problemo : my discord : bomberman90#6752

I added you check discord in free time :D 
