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Really fun overall, but a few criticisms I have:

- although the mouse is used for aiming, none of the mouse-based controls are stated in the tutorial

-some levels, especially 5 and 6, are easy to get stuck in a position that forces you to restart the level. If these "soft lock" areas were removed or there was some kind of undo button it would be very useful.

-throwing/aiming the magnet feels very unnecessary in most levels

- level 6 seemed much harder then the rest, with it being the only one I couldn't complete. I couldn't tell if the solution I was trying was intended or not, which was throwing the magnet onto the button from the left side.

-The button sprite dimming to a darker green when pressed makes it seem like it can't be pressed again to reset it

Hope this helps with improving the game!

I agree about the throwing/aiming. Only the first Level really needed the magnet thrown.

Also, I think this is how Level 6 is supposed to be beat: