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Hello! And thank you for the feedback!

We actually have many things in mind. A full day cycle with light changes, traffic, opening os new areas with time progression, an economy system to have variable costs/profits... all sorts of stuff. 

I have a mini story in the back of my head too, but it would take a long long way to learn how to implement it!

Regarding th UI... I really don't know, haven't had that issue... it's probably my inability on configuring an responsive UI ... sorry for that!

By the way, you're game is awesome! It bugged out after a few deaths (... a few to be kind to myself...) but I loved playing it and the story is very instresting. I'll try it again to see if I can go past mage stage 2 (too many firaballs on ma face!)


Haha the UI was no biggie to me as it didn't take away from the gameplay itself! I did also press escape to see if there were any options as the went into the next "day" the first time, maybe it had something to do with that?

I wonder where you'd be headed if you continued working on it; is that the plan or will you be moving on focusing on the next project and/or jam? :D

And thanks for the comment! If you do decide to go back and find it rather hard, yet you want to continue the whole story, you could always access the accessibility settings from the main menu :)


The idea is always continue with the project, but the reality somethimes makes it quite impossible... but we'll try!

And I'll take a look in the accessibility settings of  Vampire Overlord! <3


Haha it's up to you, really!

I've done my fair share of jams and I found that in most cases, unless you feel like you've really got something big, it is best to just take what you've learned to the next jam/project and use it as a learning curve. It's hard to decide whether something is good enough of a baseline to put more time into it or not though, and the only one who can decide this is you/your team! :D Good luck either way!