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Thank you for the information given, as i like games with somewhat significative variations, i will look forward to the next developments of this game.

(i also belive that, while it's good that an author can see the flaws in it's creation, criticism of content is made to the content itself and it should be directed to the content regardless of time or personel number.)

(though, being fair, it may be easy to feel aggravated if your creation is being criticized unfairly without respect for the circumstances of it's creation, perhaps i should have made the comment with a greater passive tone to express in less of a judgemental(?) tone.)

(2 edits) (+1)

You seem to misunderstand my response--I wasn't explaining those details in a defense, I was simply elaborating why they're not at a certain level in the game as it is now. You asked some genuinely good questions that definitely reminded me of things I'd like to keep in mind for the next update, it's just I didn't want to simply say "oh yes, I have things planned for this aspect, don't worry!" and leave it at that.

Though I will admit, looking at a work, especially an early and in-progress work, and providing critique without aspects like time and personnel in consideration, it can come off a little... insensitive? That's not the exact word I'd use, but it gives the same general vibe. Lots of early and in-progress games can only go so far when only one person is actively working on them, and to hold them to standards of games with actual teams backing them can be a bit unfair.

I'm proud of what I was able to put out for the alpha demo, but I am very much aware if I had allowed myself more time to provide extra polish, it could be better. Even right after I posted it, thoughts popped into my head of "oh, but I could have done this" or "i had the time, why didn't i add XYZ??" 

But this is also my first ever game, so that's another aspect to be taken into account in development critique! I completely agree that once something is publicly posted, it shouldn't be immune to critique and feedback just because of the small team and it's my first thing, but there's definitely nuance and context to be had when critiquing in general. I don't think any of your comments were out of line, though, let me restate. I'd definitely prefer you over somebody screaming that it's terrible and insisting I do better without the context of the game's creation in mind.

That being said, however, I do have a team now, so with any luck, production will go much smoother and we'll be able to provide a stronger proof of concept in the next update!