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Guess what?

We all know Viktor used to get stuck at a trash bin at the first corridor on Brainiac mode. And now, it's patched.


You know the four small classrooms on the way to the courtyard? I gave Viktor the soda, and HE GOT STUCK AT A TRASH BIN RIGHT AT ONE OF THOSE DOORS!

So...I need your help with a moral dilemma. Do I not waste my time and swiftly thwart Viktor and acquire the achievement of Braniac Maths, or do I stall until it's patched so Viktor can't get caught and I can spend all of my pointless time playing fairly? I mean, I was only gonna have a little taste of Brainiac before I moved on and poom! I found something glitchy. And, why does he get caught on trash bins anyway? You're supposed to be able to walk right over them! You could walk atop a bed of trash bins without your feet leaving the floor! So why does Viktor have a collision with those?

When I played the game on Boi once, Viktor also got stuck on a random trashcan, and I didn’t do anything. I just walked the way back and saw him glitching on that point. He couldn’t move at all. I kinda felt bad for him, but it was really funny. After that, this never happened again.

I can't seem to do it. What build version was it? Because he still phased through the trash cans in the latest build, even with the 4 trashcans near the 4 classrooms you spoke of.

Version 0.1.0 LOL

Nope, didn't work. Can you please explain how to perform this soda-can glitch more specific and elaborately?  Viktor keeps phasing through the trash cans every time I do it.

I dunno. I just gave him the soda next to the courtyard (locker rooms' side). I'm guessing I got 4 answers wrong at 3 notebooks.


Neither of you gave me your opinion on moral advice...

Well, in most cases it's better if you don't cheat. Like in online battle game, where you fight against real people who just want to have fun. And if someone always wins because he's abusing bugs or uses cheats all the time, then this is no fun for the others at all. But in a not multiplayer game, where some people take days to play through it on an easy difficulty it doesn't matter if you use bugs to win it on the hardest difficulty. As long as Viktor doesn't climb out of your computer screen, screaming "CHEATER" and then strangles you to death afterwards, you will probably be fine.

Sure, whatever. Guess that works too.