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I really, really badly want to see a high-level playthrough of this game. I feel like I don't ENTIRELY get it, and yet I am mesmerized by it. I understand that placing horizontally/vertically adjacent matching buildings create additional buildings - which has a really stellar audio-visual effect to it. (As a matter of fact, the entire game is delightfully juicy.) I just can't figure out how to plan my adjacencies to prepare for future turns.

As I was typing this review, something clicked in my head. I immediately went back and played again, and I think I get it! This one really crunches my brain in a cool way! I wish I could see all of the building combos in one place, for more efficient future planning - (but I guess that's what the screenshots are for!) I would also be curious to see how the scoring is calculated.

Your transitions between levels are fantastic - the way the tiles float and shift as individual pieces of the whole is really neat.

Thank you for playing and the detailed feedback! Yeah even now, my brain is confused by where I need to place tiles to get a combo so that needs a rework for sure. Right now scoring is very basic. 50 points for placing a tile, and 100 points if you combo two buildings, and then 50 points for every tile that's not a spike. But I juuuust implemented some chaining combos where you can plan out a huge group of buildings, and then when you fire off the first combo, the others fall in place. You can do that now but it doesn't give any extra points. But yea! A list to be able to see all available combos will be added :) Thanks again for the kind words!!