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not gonna lie i was really surprised when the main character said "i don't pass". i think i was expecting worse thoughts. i actually like that, feels like im probably going to be fine


I can't speak for your life but as someone who doesn't pass all the time, I am fine. 

My life is still livable and has value.

Passing and it's closely related concept of being attractive do matter a lot but there is also a lot to life other than those things even if that can be hard to see sometimes.


yeah. i'm not really concerned with passing, it's just that i got this general fear of rejection yknow, and while i was playing i kept thinking "these thoughts are not that bad" (not as bad as some intrusive thoughts i've had) and "if this is how most people think then i've probably got nothing to worry about". that's why i was surprised, when i thought i got the "bad ending", because it was a good ending for me.

anyway, i see now it isn't really a game with "good" and "bad" endings. sorry if my comments were a bit heavy... i thought your game was really nice!


A lot of that makes sense. I've had some pretty dark thoughts about passing too.

I'm glad you're okay, there is nothing to be sorry about. Thank you for stopping by! :)

I agree