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Very strong atmosphere - the music in particular is very brooding. I've got a soft spot for pixel art textures in 3D games, so I quite liked the aesthetic. Is the recurring use of gold intentional? On the enemies, the ceiling, the player's hands, and the tears on the walls; it makes the art feel very cohesive. The moment-to-moment gameplay could have used a bit of livening up, though; you move and shoot quite slowly, so it isn't all that satisfying to dodge and weave around enemies.

thank you very much for the detailed review. The recurring use of gold is intentional. The small lore that we built up for this game, is that this underground world is dominated by greed. Even the shopkeeper is greedy by taking parts of your health.

And the game needs definitely some tweaking. If you find three boot upgrades you will have no problems anymore to dodge. But to be fair that is not very likely to happen. :D