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Hi there!

Why do you need the platforms to collide with each other? 

The way I thought when making this, is that you just need to add the move route into the platform in a way that it does not collide with each other.

Like these ones on the sample project. They are two events on the editor, but I have set a move route that is "synced" with both events, so they don't collide.

Something like that will solve your problem? If not, can you tell me a specific situation you are having so I can think of something?

(1 edit)

Thanks for responding! Okay, so basically what I'm trying to do is create a series of puzzles that are all about creating a bridge over a hole. So far so good. What I need to make the puzzles is for the platforms to alter each other's paths. 

For example (simplest version of this kind of puzzle; the rusty metal floor represents a hole in this case):

Platforms B and C move horizontally when you hit a switch. Platform A moves vertically when you hit a different switch. Your goal is to get to the path north of the player character.

The solution is to move B and C to where they are above and THEN move platform A. Otherwise, platform A will go too far and you won't have a bridge to the north.

Yes, for this particular example, I could use some conditional branches to make platform A stop at the right point when B and C are in place. However, I'm making a lot of these puzzles, and if I could instead just set the platforms to stop when they touch another platform, that would save me loads of time. 

Thanks for your help! 

Got it!

I will implement it today then! Will leave a message here for you when it's done!

Hi there!

I updated the plugin (5.1.0)and added a way for platforms to collide. I also added the below into the help file, explaining how to use it:

Collider Platforms

Collider platforms are ones that can collide with other platforms. This is an additional note tag. This means that any other platform can also be a collider. But honestly, I think it will only play well with the Normal Platforms. And also, be sure to also check the “skip if cannot move” box of movement routes for them.

To apply the Collision feature, just add the event note tag:


It is case-sensitive.

You're the best!!! Thanks so much!!!

Nice! Happy RPG Making! :D