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I absolutely loved my time with Beyond Super, and that's even despite my glazing over the optional rules which look supremely fun! I really hope to come back to it, because the depth of the basic prompt system allowing you to choose your character's reaction to the situation alone is still so fantastic, so adding the extra layers of keeping track of the public's reaction to your actions in the mask, and the complications rule adding more layers to how the prompt goes off, will really give the potential story being told a lot more room to work in. The complications rule in particular feels VERY apt for these types of stories, allowing you to add tense and difficult twists to an already intense prompt to start with. (Also really appreciate the potential for a villain's story!) Anyway, here's the video of my session I did live, I hope how good of a time I had with the game comes across!

Thank you for the kind words!

Looking forward to check out the video in the evening.